Our Ethos
Working for a sustainable future is at the heart of everything we do.
Over the last three decades, we’ve been repeatedly asking one fundamental question:
Is there a better way?
Trying to answer that has been the main motivation behind all we’ve done at the farm.
We don’t have all the answers, but we hope our own journey may spark some ideas and start conversations.

Our Story
Apsley Farms is a family-run farming and energy production business in the south of England. Since 1991, the Farm has been run by the du Val de Beaulieu family with Henry and Deborah at the helm with their son Edward, who is also a Director.
The Apsley Farms estate is a 1150-acre (465 Ha) site in the heart of the Hampshire countryside. Originally a typical arable farm for conventional cereal crops, Henry had a vision and in 2012 turned his focus to building an anaerobic digestion plant, fed by whole crops grown on the farm.
After a period of expansion, many trials and learning processes later, the farm (along with local farming partnerships) now support a large biogas operation, feeding natural gas directly to the grid, capturing food-grade CO2, and re-using the digestate by-product to fertilise gardens and fields for the next seasons crops.